A wet day is a great excuse for webpagering.

So, here’s the deal.

I have this great little book. I compiled it over a decade ago and I still keep coming back to it as a handy little collection of chant and other Catholic sacred music.

The thing is, people who read Gregorian chant already have a huge array of fantastic books available, many quite scholarly. My book is more a handy collection of favourites, that could be great for families or catechism groups. Each hymn has a translation - which isn’t so important after years of singing these hymns but essential for newbies.

So, the idea is, to make resources to back up this little hymnbook to transform it from a ridiculously niche treasure to a gateway to the amazing treasures of Gregorian chant - singing it is so much better than just listening!

So, what would entice you to try singing chant? Videos? CDs? Worksheets going through the vocabulary?