Term 4 2016 has dawned and I have a crazy plan to work on one hymn each week and so get a start on the Lesson Plan idea.
This morning I have concocted a Requiem Crossword using a program called cwg from Github.
Last week we enjoyed a Christus Vincit crossword and Quizlet Live session.
This is a good time to get the structure set up well too - using Jekyll collections. I’ve had a little experience with them on the Roman Martyrology project.
I should be able to get an alphabetical list of hymns with something like this:
- Adeste Fideles
- Adoremus in aeterum
- Adoro Te
- Alma Redemptoris Mater
- Attende Domine
- Ave Maria - round
- Ave Maria
- Ave Maris Stella
- Ave Regina Caelorum
- Ave Verum Corpus
- Christus Vincit
- Conditor Alme Siderum
- Corda Pia
- Cor Jesu Sacratissimum
- Credo in Unum Deum
- Crux Fidelis
- Da Pacem
- Dies Irae
- Dona Nobis Pacem
- Gaudete
- Gloria Laus
- Haec Dies
- Jesu Dulcis Memoria
- Jubilate Deo (a round)
- Laudate Nomen Domini
- Litany of Loreto
- Lumen ad Revelationem Gentium
- Missa Orbis Factor
- Non Nobis Domine
- O Filii et Filiae
- Oremus pro Pontifice
- O Salutaris Hostia
- Pange Lingua
- Parce Domine
- Puer Natus
- Regina Caeli
- Requiem
- Rorate caeli
- Sacris Solemnis
- Salve Festa Dies
- Salve Regina
- Stabat Mater
- Stella Splendens
- Sub Tuum Praesidium Confugimus
- Tantum Ergo
- Te Deum Laudamus
- Ubi Caritas
- Veni O Sapientia
- Veni Creator
- Veni Sancte Spiritus
- Vexilla Regis Prodeunt
- Victimae Paschali Laudes
- Virgo Dei Genitrix
and then if I give each a page number property, then I should be able to order by page number - or at least include the page number in the list above.
Another question is whether to put all the lesson stuff into the listing for each hymn, or have separate pages.
Lastly I’d like to get disqus comments in here - I’ve done that before so it shouldn’t be too hard.